What are the best SEO link building techniques in 2023

In the ever-evolving world of SEO, link building continues to be a crucial aspect of optimizing websites for search engines. High-quality backlinks not only drive organic traffic to your site but also enhance its authority and visibility in search engine result pages (SERPs). As we step into 2023, it's essential to stay updated with the latest link building techniques to ensure maximum success in your SEO endeavors. In this article, we will explore the best SEO link building techniques in 2023 that will help you boost your website's rankings and achieve long-term success.

1. Guest Blogging: An Effective Outreach Strategy

Guest blogging remains a powerful and effective way to build high-quality backlinks and establish your authority in your industry. By collaborating with relevant and reputable websites, you can contribute valuable content while including links back to your own website. This not only provides exposure to a new audience but also enhances your website's visibility and credibility in the eyes of search engines.

When engaging in guest blogging, it's crucial to follow these best practices:

Identify high-authority websites: Look for websites in your niche that have a strong online presence and are open to accepting guest contributions. Websites with a high domain authority and a substantial readership are ideal targets.

Create valuable and unique content: Craft compelling and informative articles that provide value to the readers. Ensure that your content is unique and aligns with the website's guidelines and audience's interests.

Include relevant and contextual links: Incorporate natural and contextual links within your guest posts to drive traffic back to your website. These links should be placed strategically in areas where they add value to the readers and enhance the flow of the content.

Build relationships: Building strong relationships with website owners and editors is crucial for successful guest blogging. Engage with them professionally and maintain a long-term collaboration for future opportunities.

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2. Resource Link Building: Harnessing the Power of Valuable Resources

Resource link building involves creating high-quality, valuable resources on your website that others naturally want to link to. By providing unique and comprehensive resources, you increase the chances of other websites linking back to your content, thus improving your website's authority and search rankings.

To effectively implement resource link building:

Identify resource gaps: Research your industry and identify areas where there is a lack of comprehensive resources. These gaps could be in the form of guides, tutorials, templates, tools, or data.

Create exceptional resources: Develop comprehensive and well-researched resources that provide genuine value to your target audience. Ensure that your resources are visually appealing, easy to navigate, and accessible across devices.

Promote your resources: Actively promote your resources through various channels, such as social media, email newsletters, and relevant online communities. This will increase their visibility and encourage others to link back to them.

Outreach to relevant websites: Reach out to websites and bloggers in your niche who may find your resources valuable. Personalize your outreach and explain how your resource can benefit their audience. Offer to collaborate or provide guest content to further enhance the relationship.

3. Broken Link Building: Turning Dead Ends into Opportunities

Broken link building is an effective technique that involves finding broken or dead links on other websites and offering suitable replacements from your own website. By helping webmasters fix broken links, you not only provide value to their visitors but also secure valuable backlinks to your own site.

Here's how you can implement broken link building:

Identify relevant websites: Look for websites in your niche that have broken links or outdated resources. You can use tools like Check My Links or Ahrefs' Broken Link Checker to streamline the process.

Find suitable replacement content: Identify relevant pages on your own website that can serve as suitable replacements for the broken links. Ensure that your content is of high quality and directly relevant to the topic or theme of the broken link.

Reach out to webmasters: Contact the webmasters or website owners and inform them about the broken links on their site. Politely suggest your own content as a replacement and explain why it would benefit their audience.

Monitor and follow up: Keep track of your outreach efforts and follow up with webmasters who showed interest but haven't responded yet. Persistence is key in broken link building.

4. Influencer Collaboration: Leveraging Industry Experts

Influencer collaboration is a powerful strategy that involves partnering with influential individuals or organizations in your industry to gain exposure and acquire high-quality backlinks. By leveraging their expertise and reach, you can significantly boost your website's visibility and credibility.

Follow these steps for successful influencer collaboration:

Identify relevant influencers: Research and identify influencers or industry experts who have a strong online presence and a substantial following. Look for individuals who align with your brand values and have an engaged audience.

Build genuine relationships: Engage with influencers through social media, blog comments, or attending industry events. Offer value by sharing their content, providing thoughtful comments, and establishing a connection.

Collaborate on content: Create content collaboratively with influencers, such as interviews, expert roundups, or joint webinars. This creates an opportunity for them to link back to your website and share the content with their audience.

Promote the collaboration: Once the content is published, actively promote it through various channels. Encourage the influencer to share it with their followers, increasing its visibility and generating more backlinks.

5. Social Media Link Building: Amplifying Your Reach

Social media platforms offer immense potential for link building and increasing your website's visibility. By leveraging the power of social media, you can reach a wider audience, engage with influencers, and encourage others to share and link to your content.

Here are some effective strategies for social media link building:

Optimize your social profiles: Ensure that your social media profiles are complete, accurate, and optimized with relevant keywords. Include links to your website in the bio section of each platform.

Share valuable content: Regularly share high-quality and engaging content on your social media platforms. This can include blog posts, infographics, videos, or industry news. Encourage your followers to share and engage with your content.

Engage with influencers and industry experts: Follow influencers and engage with their content by leaving thoughtful comments, sharing their posts, and mentioning them in your own content. This can increase the chances of them linking back to your website.

Participate in relevant communities: Join industry-specific groups, forums, and communities on social media platforms. Contribute valuable insights and share your expertise. This helps in building relationships and acquiring backlinks from authoritative sources.

6. Skyscraper Technique: Reaching New Heights

The Skyscraper Technique is a link building strategy developed by Brian Dean of Backlinko. It involves finding popular content in your industry, creating something even better, and then reaching out to the websites that linked to the original content to secure links to your improved version.

Follow these steps to implement the Skyscraper Technique:

Identify link-worthy content: Research and identify popular content in your industry that has garnered a significant number of backlinks. Tools like Ahrefs' Content Explorer can help you find such content.

Create something better: Take the identified content as inspiration and create something even more comprehensive, up-to-date, or visually appealing. Add more value and make your version the go-to resource for that topic.

Find websites linking to the original: Use backlink analysis tools to identify websites that have linked to the original content. Tools like Ahrefs' Site Explorer or Moz's Link Explorer can provide you with this information.

Reach out to webmasters: Contact the webmasters who have linked to the original content and introduce them to your improved version. Highlight the added value and explain why linking to your content would benefit their audience.

Track and follow up: Keep track of your outreach efforts and follow up with webmasters who showed interest but haven't responded yet. Persistence and personalized follow-ups can increase your chances of securing backlinks.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What are the best SEO link building techniques in 2023?

A: In 2023, the best SEO link building techniques include guest blogging, resource link building, broken link building, influencer collaboration, social media link building, and the Skyscraper Technique.

Q: Are backlinks still important for SEO in 2023?

A: Yes, backlinks continue to be crucial for SEO in 2023. High-quality backlinks signal to search engines that your website is authoritative and relevant, leading to improved rankings in search results.

Q: How do I find relevant influencers for collaboration?

A: To find relevant influencers for collaboration, start by researching your industry and identifying individuals or organizations with a strong online presence and engaged audience. Tools like BuzzSumo and Social Mention can assist in discovering influential figures in your niche.

Q: How can social media platforms be used for link building?

A: Social media platforms can be utilized for link building by optimizing your profiles, sharing valuable content, engaging with influencers, participating in relevant communities, and encouraging sharing and engagement with your content.

Q: What is the Skyscraper Technique in link building?

A: The Skyscraper Technique is a link building strategy that involves creating content that is better and more valuable than existing popular content in your industry. By reaching out to websites that have linked to the original content, you can secure backlinks to your improved version.

Q: Is it important to monitor and measure the success of link building efforts?

A: Yes, monitoring and measuring the success of your link building efforts is crucial. By tracking key metrics such as the number of backlinks acquired, referral traffic, and search engine rankings, you can assess the effectiveness of your strategies and make necessary adjustments.


In 2023, the best SEO link building techniques revolve around creating valuable content, building relationships, and leveraging the power of influencers and social media. Guest blogging, resource link building, broken link building, influencer collaboration, social media link building, and the Skyscraper Technique are all powerful strategies to boost your website's visibility, authority, and search rankings. By implementing these techniques strategically and consistently, you can dominate the world of SEO link building and achieve long-term success for your website. Remember to stay updated with the latest trends and adapt your strategies as the SEO landscape continues to evolve.
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