What Is Dofollow Link?

What is Dofollow Link?

Dofollow is a descriptor of links describing that search engines crawl them and count them as votes of quality.

What Is Do Follow Link

A Nofollow link is not perfect for SEO. But it's a good idea to know about this topic
By using HTML coding, I can follow no follow up or follow any link to our website or blog. For an example

GooglePreventing comment spam
Yahoo: A Defense Against Comment Spam
Microsoft: Working Together On Blog Spam

I mean, here I am using the no-follow words, I meant to mean that I do not believe in this link. This blog is used only for the benefit of those who read it. But no follow link will not help your website. Because no follow link does not index Google

Real Attributes NoFollow and DoFollow EnCoding
Now the question is why-why no follow link is used. Because the website is spamming at the world, you know Sabai Some common HTML encoding is being used to eliminate this spamming. Suppose you have an education-related web site. Now if someone comes to your website and does not talk about the subject of education. Talking about another topic, another website link came to your site. Now, think about when you index your website, what will be the dominant topic.

  1. What Is Dofollow Link?
  2. Importance of DoFollow Link.
  3. What Is NoFollow Link?

dofollow and nofollow
Because of this,

Google search engine

will not be able to properly index your website. Only those websites should use no-follow coding that you need but do not believe. You must be sure to back the link
The comment link or backlink on the website will be done.

Auto Approval Do follow list

Get More Information of NoFollow Or DoFollow

Auto Approval Website List

Gobindo Roy

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